Hong-En Chen

NTUEE undergrad | Vision and Learning Lab


email: b08901058 [at]

ntu [dot] edu [dot] tw

I am an undergraduate student major in Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University. Currently, I am researching high quality 3D asset synthesis by deep learning at the Vision and Learning Laboratory directed by ​​Prof. Yu-Chiang Frank Wang.

Meanwhile, I served as visiting scholar at Prof. Tsui-Wei (Lily) Weng’s Trustworthy Machine Learning Lab in UCSD. My main focus is on developing interpretation strategy to explain the profound behaviors of neuron in computer vision models.

Finally, I’m working as a leader for Prof. Lin-shan Lee’s biography website(Digital Archive). With a focus on project maintenance, my expertise lies in infrastructure setup, CI/CD deployment, and team collaboration.

My research interests include high quality 3D asset generation, network dissection and understanding, applications of computer vision models on embedded systems.

Selected Publications


  1. tpa3d.gif
    TPA3D: Triplane Attention for Fast Text-to-3D Generation
    Hong-En Chen, Bin-Shih Wu, Sheng-Yu Huang, and 1 more author
    Submitted to CVPR’24, 2023


  1. ultrabat.gif
    UltraBat: An Interactive 3D Side-Scrolling Game Using Ultrasound Levitation
    Wei-Hsin Wang, Hong-En Chen, and Mike Y. Chen
    In User Interface Software and Technology, 2022